Saturday, October 11, 2008

CTC Open House

Sorry this post is a bit late....  Have a good friend from home visiting for a few weeks and we went out to the Mara to see the animals.  I'll post a blog on that subject next.  

But the most important update is to highlight another great day in Maai Mahiu.   A week ago today, Saturday, CTC held it's first Open Day.  The plan was to invite all the stake holders from the community to show the projects and work on growing unity within the town.  It went very well.  I think we would have like to have more people come but there were apprx. 40 community members including several key government officials.  Most importantly the MP for the district came all the way from Nairobi to be part of the day.   He led very good discussions at each program site.  It was wonderful to see the "top dog" appreciating our efforts..  He even pushed the Chiefs representative to give us the rights to use an acre plot in town for an additional community garden.  We are not there yet in actually having funding nor the plans totally laid out but the promise is there.   How amazing could it be if the town had various community gardens producing quality vegetables and employing local people?   Now all we have to do is get it in writing.  I have included a few photos of the MP at the garden and Malaika Moms, Malaika kids in sashes and a few random shots of the day.

Overall the day went smooth and we had various CTC volunteers along with Rocky and Ken working crowd control.  Alison worked her butt off managing the day and gave a few great speeches on what can be done if we all work together.  I think the vibe definitely was one of being impressed.  Many people commented on how much the work is helping the community.  The plan now is to work those relationships to enhance the current projects.  We also need to target working with the community on cleaning up the town, drainage issues, goats eating everything and well the list goes on .  But then what would development work be if there weren't more "to do" on our long list, right?

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