Both the CTC children and I had a wonderful visit from a close friend of mine from San Francisco. Lauren came for a 10 day visit to experience Kenya and Maai Mahiu. We spent two days in MM. Because she was here for a short visit we really had to pack in as much as possible without wearing her out. 20ish hours of flying is never easy, nor is the jetlag. She brought with her two suitcases, and one was fully stocked with items for the children. 50lbs of fun....Basically, she went on a shopping spree before leaving. She brought play dough, diapers, dolls, toy cars, a parachute, crayons, markers, bubbles and the list goes on. It really was a toy store in a suitcase. I have included a few pictures with the girls and their new babies, the kids playing with the toy cars and a few with Lauren and the kids at Malaika and Good Shepherd. It was amazing to see the reaction in the girls when the dolls were pulled out. I guess all children love gifts of toys but they really seemed to fall in love with the little babies. Carrying them around, kissing them, coddling, smiling and talking softly to the dolls. None of these girls have ever had anything close to a real looking baby. AMAZING! We handed out diapers to all the families who have children that we normally change every day. Normally, the mothers take sheets and wrap them around the children and put a standard plastic shopping bag over and wrap that around to seal it. As you can imagine it does not seal that well and the sheets are not good atm opping up the mess. But the diapers that Lauren brought, good ole American quality, will surely due the trick. The Mothers were very thankful and have mentioned to me about the "blonde" girl to thank her for them again. So Lauren THANK YOU!!!!
We then went to Good Shepherd for the always overwhelming welcome as the children rush out to say hello. Beating on the car for you to open then mobbing once you set a foot on the ground. They really took to Lauren. By the end of our time at GS, they were asking me to leave her behind. They wanted her to sleep over. Even asking for us to sing a song and if we could not then I would have to leave her. I was tempted leaving her but figured Lauren might have some issues :) Nah just kidding she was always coming with me. They showed us the new seedling garden recently planted and were so proud to explain how each child has a certain part and manages that part. And they built each one in a shape: triangle, square, circle. So creative. Oh yes, I then proceeded to kick Lauren in the face with the foot of one of the boys as I twirled him around. Smearing mud on her clean face. Damn, the bull in the China shop was in full affect that day. Also, whacked her , by accident, two times as I tried to describe something, using way to much arm action. Ok all you who know me stop laughing right now. Sorry again Lauren, I try to not hurt people when they are around but most people know me on this blog and know.... well it does not always work that way. And I am the best at hurting myself :)
Anyways, I really wanted to take a moment and thank you Lauren for coming. Thank you for taking the time to fly all the way over here and bring such wonderful gifts for the children. They will never forget you and have asked about you often. It's people like you that make CTC possible. So come back soon, OK?
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