The second project we have been working in tandem with the kitchen is a garden at Ngeya. It's somewhat a copy of our previous Sho Sho Shamba with many improvements. If we had known all we do now about gardening and the proper way to set up a shamba we would done various things differently. The goal of the garden is really two fold. First, we have the opportunity to add nutrients to the lunches at Ngeya. Currently, the 2000 kids get the same meal everyday. Maize and beans or called Gutheri in Kenya. It's very plain and misses many important vitamins.
The students from Bodwell have been working everyday with 10 local students. We are bringing the two countries together. So we had 20 plus hands to help with both the kitchen and garden for three days. We split the team into two groups of 10 and had them alternate between the two projects. First, we built raised beds and then laid out all the drip irrigation system. We have 13 raised beds with 3 rows each. All fed by a 5000 ltr. tank. In addition, CTC has always tried to increase the amount of trees in Maai Mahiu. De forestation is a MAJOR problem. And this garden and the Ngeya facility is a great opportunity to keep this tradition going. We purchased 100 indigenous trees. The environment club at Ngeya, Bodwell students and local students all pitched in to plant 40 trees on the boarder of the garden. Also, we planted another 60 behind one of the building, fencing it off to ensure no damage by the goats. A local saying "Kill a goat, save a tree". We are not into killing goats so fencing is our solution. These trees will be taken care of by the environment club at Ngeya, teaching them more about the importance of tree planting and the environment
Again, the students worked their butts off to make the garden ready for our first crop. Included are some pics of process. I am very excited to bring you an update in the near future of the garden FULL of vegetable. Thanks again Bodwell, you ROCK!!!!
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