I have been working for some weeks now on a big bath tub for my backyard. Back in SF, we have a amazing hot tub in the back yard. Wow..... so spoiled. I used go home after a long days work and sit outside with a cigar enjoying the stars. It's actually one of my favorite memories with my Dad. We would sit outside for what seems like hours smoking cigars and well if you know my Dad listening to him and his stories. I figured why not make a poor man's hot tub. So I had Alex and his workers, build a BIG tub. It's 6'x4'x4'. Definitely bigger than the tub at home. As all projects seem to get more complicated as they proceed this was no different. The tub was easy to build but filling it was another issue. I had to install an new hot water heater. Now this sounds like a cost and it was, but I also realized the first time I tried to fill the tub that I could not see my hand just a few inches below the water line. Disgusting!!!!! The old heater was so rusted through that it simply poured out red water. I was wondering since I arrived in Kenya, why I always seemed to dirty. I'd take a shower and the water was brown at my feet with my funk. But now I realize I was actually taking a shower of rust. I don't know if this has any benefit to my skin but I am working to find that out.
I took my first bath the other night. FABULOUS!!!! Something about sitting under the African stars with my hookah pipe next to me was truly amazing. Only issue I had is that Julius, the Masai guard who watches my home every night, thought this was a great opportunity to chat. So here I am sitting in my tub, trying to relax and take in all that is a beautiful night, and Julius is sitting on the edge looking down at my naked ass and asking question after question. I like my ass and all but it did make a bit uncomfortable. Now that I think about it, maybe it's just the same as home. I had my Dad at home , now I have a Masai. So I guess who can really complain, I never knew my Dad would come back as an African :-)