This is a follow up to the recent post about our moving the boys at Good Shepherd to their own dorm. Thanks to a generous donation from a well wisher, we were able to finish the siding, paint, add a lantern to the room and metal boxes for each boy. Now they can have a place for the little bit of clothing they possess, some toiletries and such. It was such a good day!! My good friend Joe Merrell, who is out visiting, and I threw up the rest of the plywood. And as I rushed to get a paint brush, Joe worked for a few hours rolling the walls with a good color for boys, Sky Blue. There was a point when all the children came into the new dorm and you could just see the excitement on their faces. Jane, the caretaker, told us it now looked like a bedroom.....comfortable. That statement really did sum it up for me. Simple gestures of love that mean the world to these boys who have so little. Good stuff!!!!
Once we were done I brought the boys in to sit with Joe and take a few shots. I think the smile on Joe's face says it all. Again, thank you for the donation!!! You know who you are and it means the world to the boys. It's gestures like yours that make their lives easier. Asante Sana!!!!!! Oh and thanks Joe for coming out and giving your time. The boys thought you rocked!!!!! I included a picture of a drawing of Joe and I on the chalkboard. Yes that is about how we look..
Sweet. Love the blue on the walls.
And the chalk drawing of you gives me an idea for how to carve our pumpkin for Halloween this weekend.
Thanks as always for all you are doing over there.
Pretty Slick dude!!!
Also love the make-do car windshield thingy!!
You are an inspiration! I have been a follower of this blog since you left.
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