Am I living in England or Kenya? Waking this morning to rain, heavy fog and cold sure did remind me of the UK in October not Kabuku in June. That being said the "cabin" Alison and I share is at 3500 ft elevation and was one of main spots the original English colonists settled due to it's resemblance to their temperate homeland. I guess that is why they call the entire area the Highlands. I'm sitting here by a very warm fire with Kramer, Alison's brown lab, for company (picture included), looking out on a fabulous garden Simon the gardener has diligently been toiling for a few months now (pic included). We have various vegetables and herbs that are due at any time for the eaten'. There are potatoes, cabbage, spinach, onions, beets, carrots, tomatoes and zucchinis. The garden is ringed by sunflowers who have full glowing flowers except for today. I think this English Sunday has mad them a bit sad. Withering, hiding from the rain and cold. Right now as I look out the window it's lightly raining with a slight breeze. So happy I am bonding with Kramer right now and not outside :-)
I've been master mining some plans that I have been trying to talk Al and Simon into over the past week or so. Chickens, yes chickens. We have been eating tons of eggs every morning and since we now have a professional farm, well O.K. small garden, we need livestock. Two dogs do not count. Didn't mention Oscar but he is a whole other blog unto himself. Tried to talk Al into other animals like Llamas (don't have them in Kenya), pigs (we have no clue how to raise them), rabbits (prob. would not eat them) and ostriches (threw that in at the end but we figure it would probably stomp Oscar). So chickens are the ticket. I included a picture of the eventual "plot" for coop. This is all assuming the gardener and Al agree......
It's pretty amazing how different the energy is being in Nairobi or Maai Mahiu to Kabuku. Kabuku is green, rural and peaceful. The most noise comes from Oscar or Kramer barking at nothing. Or rather Kramer sitting for a long time staring at the zucchini barking. He has an infatuation with eating the green vegetable lately and since the fence is up around the garden he is more frustrated than ever. Ah the life of a dog.
I think I am actually going to buck this rainy Sunday and venture out for a bit of a Rocky moment. Yes it's crazy, go for a run. I mean really the rain will not wither me like the sunflowers and I can deal with a bit of a soggy road. OK, reality is I might be back in 10 minutes but hey I gave it a try, right?
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