This Friday CTC had the privilege of hosting two groups at the Malaika Kids facility. Both were there to help in very different ways and each so important. The first is called Sarakazi. They are a Dutch/Kenyan Trust who support the performing arts in Kenya. A good friend of CTC, Fernande Verwiel, brought 3 young men who are amazing clowns, artists, acrobats and really awesome with children. They entertained a group of the children with puppets, games, songs, skits and many funny performances. They really were wonderful and kept the children (and adults) laughing constantly. The children really had never seen anything like those few hours of pure hilarity and fun. I included a few pics of Mike dressed as a clown with furry glasses. A few hand puppets and the boys at their best. Also, a picture of Fernande with some of the Malaika girls. I personally wanted to thank them for taking the time to drive the hour to Maai Mahiu from Nairobi and donate precious time to the children. It was a day they will never forget and we hope to work with Sarakazi in the future. We both have the same goal, taking care of children and creating smiles as often as possible.
The second group is called SEP. They organize and train special education teachers and caretakers on how to better work with children with unique needs. They were also wonderful. Karolien, picture included, brought 3 physical therapists and special needs professionals to the facility to lend their EXPERTISE. I highlight that word because we do as best as possible but often need individuals who do this for a living, who know the best possible way to improve what we are already doing. They helped so much. Simple bits of advice like not feeding the children lying down anymore. They asked one of the care takers to lie down and try to eat and drink lying down. She choked and couldn't do it. So now all the boys who can't sit up by themselves are fed sitting up and slowly allowing them to ask for food and digest properly. They also measured the boys who lie on the floor all day for special chairs so we can have them sit up daily and be more involved. We learned that sitting allows the children to improve motor skills and become more aware of their surroundings. Also, they asked us to make sure we had tooth brushes and paste, along with tongue cleaners. Such simple things but with the children who can't brush themselves at least we can assure that they get the proper dental hygiene and this will also reduce sickness. Further, they gave us ideas on toys, interactive material and ways to improve motor skills. One little thing that Karolien did say was she was very impressed with our facility. When Alison worked so hard to set this up with the community there really was very little to model ours off. And Karolien was very impressed how happy the children were and how nice the facility was as she has seen many in Kenya. I guess they aren't that nice. Even with this compliment we realize there is so much more to do and we will do it. Anyone out there interested in helping with chairs for the kids, toothbrushes and paste, re usable cloth diapers please let us know. Thanks again SEP we really appreciate all your advice and hope to work with you in the future. You're a bunch of rock stars :)